fredag 27 oktober 2017

En hyllning till Gud och Heal My Voice Systerskap

Dagens avsnitt av Ett år med Gud är en hyllning fyllt av hopp, ljus, kärlek, frihet och friska fläktar. En återblick som är djup och full av liv. Jag berättar också om det svåra som skedde i USA 2011 när jag bevittnade en ledares fall. Jag delar en sann historia om kvinnlig intuition, helande till kropp och själ, om upprättelse genom Gud och systerskapet och ett församlingsrum på himlavalvet. Jag delar med mig om lärdomarna och gåvorna från en oförglömlig resa hem till min femininitet.
Idag släpps den 10:e Heal My Voice-boken fylld av sanna kvinnoskildringar.
Ladda ner ditt exemplar för $4.99!


True Stories by 


The thirteen stories and collection of poems written by the women in this book are about a personal internal awakening. A moment when they had a new awareness and began to make different choices to change the external situations in their lives. Just like peace on earth comes from each of us cultivating peace within ourselves, the innovative ideas and actions the authors are making to awaken a new world, starts with an inner awakening.

The third way to innovate is often overlooked. Continuous improvement. Lots of small change. All the time. ~Dimis Michaelides

The authors in this book are Innovators. Courageous seekers. Shifting. Changing with continuous improvement and lots of small change, all the time.

From the Foreword by Kathleen Nelson Troyer:

There is a huge amount of love, courage, and transformation within the stories you are about to read. I suggest you take your time as you read this book. As you read each story, open your heart. Allow more space for your breath to receive the words, energy, and history on the pages in front of you. When you read something that strikes you deeply, spend a few moments in silence. Allow your thoughts to percolate. Jot down some notes and share with a friend.
It is an awakening process. As each of us does our own work, we awaken. We begin to light up our planetary field of consciousness. Our individual lights are beamed out in the form of our stories. And the ripples have already begun.

Your Voice Matters, too

Get Your Kindle Edition Now for Only $4.99 

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