lördag 21 oktober 2017

Woman of the Day, Oct 21: Alecia Caine

Please Join me in Celebrating The Women Of the 10th Heal My Voice Book: Innovative Voices: True Stories By Women Awakening A New World.

Meet Alecia Caine,

a CPA and an Entrepreneur with passion for chocolate and life. Alecia travels between her two homes in California and Italy. She works with Taxes for Expats, and as a money coach/mentor for individuals, families and small businesses. She is also a co-author of Sensual Voices and in Innovative Voices she has been holding space for the women to write their stories.

"Maybe you already did a lot of work on your life, your relationships, your health and your business and you have made many improvements in those areas but with money, the same patterns emerge, the same problems persist. As a society, we don't talk about money, so how are we supposed to heal our money wounds? Money often leaves a path of frustration, fear, overwhelm and confusion. I'd like to gently lead you toward greater empowerment, confidence, clarity and financial freedom. 
Imagine feeling empowered to make money decisions, having a clear picture of your financial situation, knowing what you want it to be and feeling confident about taking the right steps to get there. 
What about you? What money stories are holding you back from living the life you desire?
Are you ready to Grow Your M-Ou-La-La?" - Alecia Caine


Listen to the inspiring interview with Alecia about money, beliefs, unconscious habbits, and money archetypes. Click here: "Busting your money myths and building a life that you love". 





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