söndag 8 oktober 2017

Woman of the Day, Oct 7: Nancy Kobel

Please Join me in Celebrating The Authors and the Spaceholders Of the 10th Heal My Voice Book: Innovative Voices: True Stories By Women Awakening A New World

Meet Nancy Nicholson Kobel,

Transformational Life- and Leadership Coach and founder of Leader Inspired. Nancy is also a co-author of Feminine Voices: True Stories by Women Transforming Leadership, and get a FREE copy of her story "My Quiet Power": www.leaderinspired.com
In Innovative Voices Nancy has been a Spaceholder for the women writers. Book will be available on October 27 on Amazon.

Nancy explains:
Why Leader Inspired?
We are all leaders. And self leadership is the foundation.

Leader Inspired works with individuals and organizations ready to lead and develop in a new way through coaching, consulting and facilitation. One that embraces diversity and inclusion. That together we are greater, each with our own strengths. Ready to embrace our vision for a better future for all.

We are all leaders. Leader Inspired is about uncovering the leader within and bringing ourselves more fully into the present; enjoying our work, our life and making a greater impact on our world.

Listen to the Conversation with Nancy on the Heal My Voice Podcast:

Connect with Nancy:


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