Har du hört talas om Ellie Drake? Hon är grundaren av Brave Heart Women. Hon jobbar för och med kvinnor. En av mina coachvänner Adrienne MacDonald har nu fått möjligheten att samarbeta i ett fredsprojekt med och för kvinnor i Mellanöstern. Adrienne är Essence Coach och sjuksköterska. Hon är precis som jag medgrundare till Essence Coaches. Mer om henne hittar du här på facebook.
Nu behöver Adrienne vår hjälp, så att hon kan hjälpa kvinnorna i Mellanöstern. Läs hennes egna ord nedan. Mer om organisationen Brave Heart Women hittar du på
I need your help!!
Jerusalem FSM
33 women from the Western world going to Jerusalem to hold the space for 33 Palestinian and 33 Israeli women to release inner and inter blocks. This Female Success Model is designed to raise the collective vibration toward peace. I am honored to be one of those women called to hold hands with women of the Middle East to create that spiritual shift. It has been a dream of mine since childhood that I would some day would travel on a mission of Peace.
As a woman who grew up in an area of conflict I remember praying that someone would come and hold my hand and tell me they loved and cared for me unfortunately that never happened for me however it can for other women now.
I have dedicated my life to one of growth and healing and I believe that this is another
part of my growth as a woman and a leader and I humbly ask you for your support. I have donated $1,500.00 of my own money to this mission and need the energy of your support via money.
The Braveheart foundation is a grassroots foundation and this is only the 2nd mission trip. Please make a donation specifically for my expenses (flight, hotel, food) with anything left over going to the Braveheart foundation. . We have many women practitioners in the middle east and many more men in the middle east who support Peace and Freedom in that region. My goal is to raise $7,000.
Please send your check to: Braveheart Global Foundation with my name on the memo line or online . I will send you a receipt and statement regarding our 501C foundation for your tax records. This is a tax deductible donation. Please call me with any questions or concerns: 404-918-5556. I cannot do this without your support. Thank you. Adrienne xo
The Braveheart foundation is a grassroots foundation and this is only the 2nd mission trip. Please make a donation specifically for my expenses (flight, hotel, food) with anything left over going to the Braveheart foundation. . We have many women practitioners in the middle east and many more men in the middle east who support Peace and Freedom in that region. My goal is to raise $7,000.
Please send your check to: Braveheart Global Foundation with my name on the memo line or online
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