I dagens avsnitt av "Ett år med Gud" delar jag med mig av det ögonblick jag tar emot min pappas förbannelse och hur det leder till ett helt liv i fysisk och känslomässig smärta. Och jag berättar om hur jag blev fri från arvet från mina förfäder och vad Guds välsignelse har lett mig till.
I ett alkoholisthem är ingenting normalt.
Skuld och skam, vad gjorde det med mig?
Ont i magen i 35 år.
Slav under min pappas förbannande ord.
Fri genom morfars böner.
Med Gud som Fader.
Välkommen att lyssna till ett mycket personligt vittnesbörd om Guds kärlek.
tisdag 31 oktober 2017
lördag 28 oktober 2017
Drawing, a Gift from God
It is meditative to draw. Sometimes the pictures rises from my heart and sometimes I draw from the depth of an emotion. I use it as a therapeutic tool when I feel sad, alone and scattered. I get calm, focused and I start to align with God again. It is soothing and a way of weaving a stronger relationship to God and Jesus. The lines are the holy spirit, threads filled with love for each other.
I got the gift to draw from God in September 2006. I share that story, how God's wrath awakened me to communicating through images, in the new book INNOVATIVE VOICES: True Stories by Women Awakening a New World.
fredag 27 oktober 2017
En hyllning till Gud och Heal My Voice Systerskap
Dagens avsnitt av Ett år med Gud är en hyllning fyllt av hopp, ljus, kärlek, frihet och friska fläktar. En återblick som är djup och full av liv. Jag berättar också om det svåra som skedde i USA 2011 när jag bevittnade en ledares fall. Jag delar en sann historia om kvinnlig intuition, helande till kropp och själ, om upprättelse genom Gud och systerskapet och ett församlingsrum på himlavalvet. Jag delar med mig om lärdomarna och gåvorna från en oförglömlig resa hem till min femininitet.
Idag släpps den 10:e Heal My Voice-boken fylld av sanna kvinnoskildringar.
Ladda ner ditt exemplar för $4.99!
The thirteen stories and collection of poems written by the women in this book are about a personal internal awakening. A moment when they had a new awareness and began to make different choices to change the external situations in their lives. Just like peace on earth comes from each of us cultivating peace within ourselves, the innovative ideas and actions the authors are making to awaken a new world, starts with an inner awakening.
The third way to innovate is often overlooked. Continuous improvement. Lots of small change. All the time. ~Dimis Michaelides
The authors in this book are Innovators. Courageous seekers. Shifting. Changing with continuous improvement and lots of small change, all the time.
From the Foreword by Kathleen Nelson Troyer:
There is a huge amount of love, courage, and transformation within the stories you are about to read. I suggest you take your time as you read this book. As you read each story, open your heart. Allow more space for your breath to receive the words, energy, and history on the pages in front of you. When you read something that strikes you deeply, spend a few moments in silence. Allow your thoughts to percolate. Jot down some notes and share with a friend.
It is an awakening process. As each of us does our own work, we awaken. We begin to light up our planetary field of consciousness. Our individual lights are beamed out in the form of our stories. And the ripples have already begun.
Your Voice Matters, too
Idag släpps den 10:e Heal My Voice-boken fylld av sanna kvinnoskildringar.
Ladda ner ditt exemplar för $4.99!
True Stories by
The thirteen stories and collection of poems written by the women in this book are about a personal internal awakening. A moment when they had a new awareness and began to make different choices to change the external situations in their lives. Just like peace on earth comes from each of us cultivating peace within ourselves, the innovative ideas and actions the authors are making to awaken a new world, starts with an inner awakening.
The third way to innovate is often overlooked. Continuous improvement. Lots of small change. All the time. ~Dimis Michaelides
The authors in this book are Innovators. Courageous seekers. Shifting. Changing with continuous improvement and lots of small change, all the time.
From the Foreword by Kathleen Nelson Troyer:
There is a huge amount of love, courage, and transformation within the stories you are about to read. I suggest you take your time as you read this book. As you read each story, open your heart. Allow more space for your breath to receive the words, energy, and history on the pages in front of you. When you read something that strikes you deeply, spend a few moments in silence. Allow your thoughts to percolate. Jot down some notes and share with a friend.
It is an awakening process. As each of us does our own work, we awaken. We begin to light up our planetary field of consciousness. Our individual lights are beamed out in the form of our stories. And the ripples have already begun.
Your Voice Matters, too
Get Your Kindle Edition Now for Only $4.99
Book Release today! Innovative Voices: True Stories by Women Awakening a New World
Join me in Celebrating the 10th Heal My Voice Book. INNOVATIVE VOICES: True Stories by Women Awakening a New World.
Finished Drawing? Scroll down...
True Stories by
The thirteen stories and collection of poems written by the women in this book are about a personal internal awakening. A moment when they had a new awareness and began to make different choices to change the external situations in their lives. Just like peace on earth comes from each of us cultivating peace within ourselves, the innovative ideas and actions the authors are making to awaken a new world, starts with an inner awakening.
The third way to innovate is often overlooked. Continuous improvement. Lots of small change. All the time. ~Dimis Michaelides
The authors in this book are Innovators. Courageous seekers. Shifting. Changing with continuous improvement and lots of small change, all the time.
From the Foreword by Kathleen Nelson Troyer:
There is a huge amount of love, courage, and transformation within the stories you are about to read. I suggest you take your time as you read this book. As you read each story, open your heart. Allow more space for your breath to receive the words, energy, and history on the pages in front of you. When you read something that strikes you deeply, spend a few moments in silence. Allow your thoughts to percolate. Jot down some notes and share with a friend.
It is an awakening process. As each of us does our own work, we awaken. We begin to light up our planetary field of consciousness. Our individual lights are beamed out in the form of our stories. And the ripples have already begun.
Your Voice Matters, too
Get Your Kindle Edition Now for Only $4.99
Drawing by: www.marieeklipanovska.se
torsdag 26 oktober 2017
I have a dream about an Open Heart
I have a dream.
To write a song that touches people so deeply that it opens up their hearts.
I have a dream.
To find the lyrics within my own heart, that opens me up to receive even greater love.
I have a dream.
To hear that song performed on a stage and watch people cry and become speechless.
Because one thing I know. Love changes everything and love is the way.
To write a song that touches people so deeply that it opens up their hearts.
I have a dream.
To find the lyrics within my own heart, that opens me up to receive even greater love.
I have a dream.
To hear that song performed on a stage and watch people cry and become speechless.
Because one thing I know. Love changes everything and love is the way.
onsdag 25 oktober 2017
Woman of the Day, Oct 25: Sofia Wren
Please Join me in Celebrating The Women Of the 10th Heal My Voice Book: Innovative Voices: True Stories By Women Awakening A New World.
Meet Sofia Wren,
a writer, singer and intuitive coach for writers and creative entrepreneurs. Sofia also serves women and society through prayers and sharing about angels on FB, Youtube and her blog. She is a contributing author in Feminine Voices (2014), and in Innovative Voices (Release on Amazon on Oct 27)."My name is Sofia Wren and I was born on an island. As a little mermaid, I played with rocks on the beach and tried to jump over waves. I’ve always been sensitive, and drawn to Mother Nature. My Momma was the Ocean. I always loved books, and after reading fantasy novels I decided to become a priestess with magic powers. This is who I really am.
I work with entrepreneurs and creatives with a message to share who want to make faster progress on their projects and always know what to do next because they can hear their intuition and trust it.
I help people to be more authentic in their message (online, social media, video, blog, email, books, in person, etc.) so people can really KNOW them. That means people can find you, connect with you, give you business or read your stuff. And it’s life changing."
Free preview of the forthcoming book FREEDOM YEAR:
In this coming-of-age story and memoir, Sofia Wren at twenty nine reflects on her eccentric past and the real, raw moments that gave her freedom to embrace sexuality, personal power and express her voice with the truth and integrity of someone who has found herself at long last.
tisdag 24 oktober 2017
Woman of The Day Oct 24: Jacke Schroeder
Please Join me in Celebrating The Women Of the 10th Heal My Voice Book: Innovative Voices: True Stories By Women Awakening A New World.
Meet Jacke Schroeder,
a LCSW-C (Licensed Clinical Social Worker-Certified) and a Director of SAFE: Stop Abuse of Elders. She is an ordained Maggidah. Jacke has written the Blessing for Innovative Voices, and she has been holding space for the women to write their stories. She is also a co-author of a Feminine Voices and Harmonic Voices.Jacke is “healing her voice” via public speaking engagements about SAFE to build a local, statewide and national elder abuse prevention movement. As an ordained Maggidah - an inspirational teacher and teller of stories about the journey of the soul -Jacke’s voice is a channel to ignite awareness and education about the needs of hundreds of thousands of older adults who are being abused and exploited in the U.S. Jacke’s healed voice serves to advocate for legislation that is changing the criminal justice and social services system in ways that provide the protection needed and respect deserved for our older adults. With safety nets and shelter for our wisdom keepers, they will be able to do their development work of synthesizing their life experience and leaving legacies for our society to be healthy and whole.
SAFE is her main focus right now. But Jacke's Sacred Pearl Tours will be live again, there she offers you to "Discover Your Holy Land One Pearl at a Time".
"The alchemists had an excellent image for the transformation of suffering and symptom into a value of the soul. A goal of the alchemical process was the pearl of great price. The pearl starts off a bit of grit, a neurotic symptom or complaint, a bothersome irritant to one’s secret inside flesh, which no defensive shell can protect oneself from. This is coated over, worked at day in day out, until the grit one day is a pearl; yet it still must be fished up from the depths and pried loose. Then when the grit is redeemed, it is -worn. It must be worn on the warm skin to keep its luster: the redeemed complex which once caused suffering is exposed to public view as a virtue. The esoteric treasure gained through occult work becomes an exoteric splendor. To get rid of the symptom means to get rid of the chance to gain what may one day be of greatest value, even if at first an unbearable irritant, lowly, and disguised."
by James Hillman, A Blue Fire | Artwork by Vladimir Kush
Websites that will be live again soon:
www.jackeschroeder.com and sacredpearltours.com
måndag 23 oktober 2017
Woman of the Day, Oct 23: Elizabeth St. Germain
Please Join me in Celebrating The Women Of the 10th Heal My Voice Book: Innovative Voices: True Stories By Women Awakening A New World.
Meet Elizabeth St. Germain,
a generous, warm woman and mother in transition. She is committed to the awakening of her fullest potential of divine love. Elizabeth is also a co-author of several Heal My Voice anthologies. In Innovative Voice she has shared her powerful presence and her wisdom, and allowed herself to drink from the HMV well of feminine truth, love and innovation.Are You Standing at a Gateway of Transformation?
Transition between old and new is always meet with an Initiation, some ground shaking, others mild yet always life altering. “As we prepare to enter a new realm we must pass through the gateway of transformation; and are usually greeted with tests. There is no initiation without tests, and this testing must take us to our limits in order to be “valid”.
Initiation is not just about enchanting rituals with candles or other mystical paraphernalia. Magic happens when you decree with Faith your Heart’s pure desire. True initiation is grounded in material reality. Its effect expands throughout mind, body and emotions. Sometimes we scream with frustration “why am I going through this again?” This is because the test occurs on ALL levels of mind, body and emotions. The more profound the change being processed the more rigorous the test.
Asking, “where in life am I standing at the gateway of transformation?” is the first small step toward your next quantum leap. Step boldly across the gateway with faith, trusting you are not alone! “Lo, I AM with you always, even until the end of time!” Yeshua
Read the full blogpost: http://www.andreahylen.com/are-you-standing-at-a-gateway-of-transformation-by-liz-draman-guest-blogger/
Join Elizabeth St. Germain and Andrea Hylen on Friday October 27th on Blogtalkradio.Listen to a conversation about writing in community, the power of vulnerability and women connecting to their inner authority. In the backdrop is the book launch for Innovative Voices: True Stories by Women Awaknening a New World.
Co-hosts: Elizabeth st. Germain (Liz Draman) and Andrea Hylen
Guest: Marie Ek Lipanovska
A conversation about the voice of love, soul connections, deeper listening, feminine leadership, creating safe space, and around the question "How can we heal a voice that we are neglecting?"
Conversations with Innovative Authors #6 Jeannie Dougherty and Tamara Latrese Robinson
Join us for a conversation with two of the contributing authors in the new book: Innovative Voices: True Stories by Women Awakening a New World.
Host: Andrea Hylen
Authors: Jeannie Dougherty and Tamara Latrese Robinson
I Thought I Was OK by Jeannie Dougherty
Jeannie Dougherty, is an author, speaker, trainer, and counselor with expertise in Feminine Leadership & Communication. Jeannie teaches her clients how to remove their obstacles of feeling afraid, too busy, and disconnected. She shows her clients how to lessen their constant negative thinking so they can calibrate their minds, bodies, and spirits to their open hearts. She is a dancer, yogi, and an intuitive healer that shows her clients on how to fearlessly love their divine wisdom while they create their inspired and innovative life. https://www.linkedin.com/in/relationshipexpertjeannie/
Journey to Me: Reconnecting to my voice and my passion to live and love out loud again by Tamara Latrese Robinson
Tamara Latrese Robinson is an international bestselling author of the books “Live and Love Out Loud” & "Time to Focus On You”. She helps busy moms deal with the very real feelings of guilt experienced while attempting to create time for themselves. As a busy mom with a teenage daughter, Tamara understands the feelings and emotions moms encounter with mommy guilt and placing themselves on the back burner. Tamara invites you to download a copy of her Simple Steps for Busy Moms to Avoid Being Overwhelmed
Heal My Voice
Book release October 27 on Amazon
Heal My Voice Facebook
Heal My Voice Sweden Facebook
Innovative Voices: True Stories by Women Awakening a New World on Facebook:
söndag 22 oktober 2017
Woman of the Day; Oct 22: Marie Ek Lipanovska
Please Join me in Celebrating The Women Of the 10th Heal My Voice Book: Innovative Voices: True Stories By Women Awakening A New World.
Meet Marie Ek Lipanovska,
that's me, the blogger.
I am a mother of three children, an evangelist, and a mentor for women in transition. I am also the founder of Heal My Voice Sweden, and a publisher of three HMVS anthologies. In Innovative Voices my contribution is a story called "Pain has a purpose, and a story to tell."
My deepest passion is my relationship to Jesus. A life without God's love is unthinkable. When I lost everything in my life, He was there by my side. When I was to tired to write or do anything, He asked me to draw, so that I could let go of all the pain that I felt in body, soul and heart. He found me useful when society gave up on me. When I didn't know how to pay my rent or put food on my table, God came to my rescue. When I needed clothes for me and my son, he sent me that.
Today is my birthday. I am moving into my 50th year in this body that I love so much. Two years ago I was so depleted that I didn't have enough life energy left in me to live. God was keeping me alive with every breath. I had a choice, to ask for help or to die. My history told me that I was not valuable. I was the strong person that never asked for support, and the few times when I had done it, I got the answer: "I am sorry but I can't".
I reached out to four Heal My Voice Sweden sisters: Carina, Lisbeth, Rinella, and Titti. Women that I trusted. "Please come, I don't want to live anymore." And they came. They carried me through the worst part, and made sure I had good food, company, and the love that only friendship can bring. They never stopped seeing me for who I am: a passionate woman with a purpose, and an open heart, willing to lead by example. Determined to never give up my faith in God, and real love.
Here I am, Eva Marie, a graceful sensual woman in transition. I am here to tell my story, because it matters. I am here to show that God never gives up on me, and how important it is to have real friends that loves you for who you are. No matter what!
lördag 21 oktober 2017
Woman of the Day, Oct 21: Alecia Caine
Please Join me in Celebrating The Women Of the 10th Heal My Voice Book: Innovative Voices: True Stories By Women Awakening A New World.
Meet Alecia Caine,
a CPA and an Entrepreneur with passion for chocolate and life. Alecia travels between her two homes in California and Italy. She works with Taxes for Expats, and as a money coach/mentor for individuals, families and small businesses. She is also a co-author of Sensual Voices and in Innovative Voices she has been holding space for the women to write their stories.
"Maybe you already did a lot of work on your life, your relationships, your health and your business and you have made many improvements in those areas but with money, the same patterns emerge, the same problems persist. As a society, we don't talk about money, so how are we supposed to heal our money wounds? Money often leaves a path of frustration, fear, overwhelm and confusion. I'd like to gently lead you toward greater empowerment, confidence, clarity and financial freedom.
Imagine feeling empowered to make money decisions, having a clear picture of your financial situation, knowing what you want it to be and feeling confident about taking the right steps to get there.
What about you? What money stories are holding you back from living the life you desire?
Are you ready to Grow Your M-Ou-La-La?" - Alecia Caine
Listen to the inspiring interview with Alecia about money, beliefs, unconscious habbits, and money archetypes. Click here: "Busting your money myths and building a life that you love".CONNECT WITH ALECIA:
fredag 20 oktober 2017
Conversations with Innovative Authors #5 Cassandra Herbert and Andrea Hylen
Join us for a conversation with two of the contributing authors in the new book: Innovative Voices: True Stories by Women Awakening a New World.
Host: Andrea Hylen
Authors: Cassandra Herbert and Andrea Hylen
Where are the Feathers by Cassandra Herbert
Cassandra Herbert - Holistic nurse consultant, psychotherapist, wellness educator, healthy eating coach, speaker and author — and creator of Zest and Harmony. Cassandra has built her life around empowering people to advocate for themselves and adopt lifestyle changes to support their own wellness
After seeing her own health and life challenged by the Superwoman Syndrome, she was forced to re-evaluate and reframe her lifestyle, career and relationships. Out of that experience,sShe developed an 8-part holistic system to support The Busy Professional, Real-Life Superwoman in ditching overwhelm and stress, creating a rhythm of doing with being, and building health, happiness and ease in all areas of her life.
Zest and Harmony Blog
Activating My Political Voice by Andrea Hylen
Andrea Hylen believes in the power of a woman’s voice to usher in a new world. She is the founder of Heal My Voice, a Writing and Transition Coach and Orgasmic Meditation teacher. Andrea has discovered her unique gifts while parenting three daughters and learning to live life fully after the deaths of her brother, son and husband. She travels around the world speaking, teaching, leading workshops and collaborating with women and men.
www.andreahylen.com and www.healmyvoice.org.
Heal My Voice
Book release October 27 on Amazon
Heal My Voice Facebook
Heal My Voice Sweden Facebook
Innovative Voices: True Stories by Women Awakening a New World on Facebook:
Woman of The Day, Oct 20: Ginny Robertson
Please Join me in Celebrating The Women Of the 10th Heal My Voice Book: Innovative Voices: True Stories By Women Awakening A New World.
Meet Ginny Robertson,
a passionate woman with a purpose, and the president of Ginny Robertson LLC. Ginny is a co-author of several Heal My Voice anthologies, and a contributing author in Innovative Voices. Book release on Amazon on October 27.Ginny Robertson LCC is an organization that “Connects Women Around the World to their Gifts, Their Purpose and Each Other.” She offers monthly live and online gatherings of the On Purpose Woman Community, the print and online publication On Purpose Woman Magazine and annual On Purpose Woman Conference. In 2012 she was named one of Maryland’s Top 100 Women by The Daily Record.
And today is her birthday, so Happy Birthday Ginny, may all your wishes come true!
You will find great articles by Cassandra Herbert, Ellen Koronet, Rev. Elizabeth McCain, Lori Hollander, Dawn Shuler, Jory Fisher, Star Bobatoon, Donna Dettling, and Julia Coplan.ON PURPOSE WOMAN CONFERENCE:
Get inspired to connect, collaborate, and come together with other women.RADIO:
Ginny Robertson was a co-host of WomanTalk Live Radio on 680 WCBM in Baltimore for three years. This week she was a guest on Heal My Voice Blogtalkradio having a conversation around her story "I Don't Have to Do it That Way Anymore" in Innovative Voices.--------------------
torsdag 19 oktober 2017
Conversations with Innovative Authors #4 Sofia Wren and Monisha Mittal
Join us for a conversation with two of the contributing authors in the new book: Innovative Voices: True Stories by Women Awakening a New World.
Host: Andrea Hylen
Authors: Sofia Wren and Monisha Mittal
Going my Own Way by Sofia Wren
Sofia Wren helps writers and creatives ready to get themselves out there in a bigger way, to make faster progress on their writing and creative business projects. She guides them to get comfortable being seen for who they truly are and to expose their work and message to more people. She is a certified coach, World Class Healer, and currently studies at Loyola Baltimore in the M.A Program for Spiritual and Pastoral Care. Receive a free sample of her forthcoming memoir, Freedom Year, at www.sofiawren.comBetween Safety and Sacred by Monisha Mittal
Monisha Mittal is a trained facilitator, organizational consultant and expert on internal communications. As Chief Listener at Mittal Accelerated Communications, Monisha helps organizational clients design, visualize and present stories that build authentic connection with their audience. Monisha holds a BS in Economics from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and a Master in Public Policy from Harvard University’s Kennedy School.Follow her on acuriouspointofview.wordpress.com
Heal My Voice
Book release October 27 on Amazon
Heal My Voice Facebook
Heal My Voice Sweden Facebook
Innovative Voices: True Stories by Women Awakening a New World on Facebook:
Woman of the Day, Oct 19: Marijane Thompson
Please Join me in Celebrating The Women Of the 10th Heal My Voice Book: Innovative Voices: True Stories By Women Awakening A New World.
Meet Marijane Thompson,
Engaged in Home Schooling through E-learning at Connections Academy. She is also a Certified Zentangle® Teacher, a storyteller and co-author of Inspired Voices. In Innovative Voices she has been a space holder for the women authors. Book release on October 27 on Amazon."Each night I am there, as I lay on the old narrow sleeper sofa, my brain attempts to relax and to temporarily release thoughts of all the tasks that need attention. I wonder what her life has been about…. what legacy does she feel she is leaving behind? I know that her family – mother, sisters, husband, children and grandchildren have been the joys of her life – people in general have been what is important. She has been kind, supportive and compassionate, and loves to show people that she cares. Last week when she was in the ER for a blood pressure issue, she asked the name of everyone who showed up to help her – and remembered them. “Oh, your name is Agnes? I went to school with Agnes Doyle; you don’t hear that name much today!” And when I wheeled her out, she was elated to see Agnes to say goodbye, and it was obvious that small gesture made Agnes’ day. Everyone enjoys her and remarks how she does not seem to portray her age.
She tells me that she tries not to think about dying. Some days she wishes she would pass in her sleep…. she is so weary, and still misses my dad. Yet in the next moment, she will tell me how wonderful it felt to have her aide wash her hair, and that she is so glad her new blood pressure meds have taken away the full feeling in her head. It is all Wonder… feeling good with the simple things.
And that is how I want to live the rest of my life… seeing the obvious Wonder that is always there if I just look past what I think is real. To simply embody the Wonder… to hold the feeling throughout my being and when the trials of my life want to pull me down… to take a breath – smile – and allow the Wonder to pop through into my field. It becomes easier and easier." Marijane Thompson
Read the whole story on Heal My Voice Blog: Becoming An Expression of Wonder
Listen to the radio show with Marijane and Andrea Hylen from 2013 about the power of a person's presence, and holding space for wonder.CONNECT WITH MARIJANE:
onsdag 18 oktober 2017
An Author Conversation #3 with Andrea Hylen and Marie Ek Lipanovska
Join us for a conversation about two of the stories in the new book: Innovative Voices: True Stories by Women Awakening a New World.
Co-hosts and authors:
Marie Ek Lipanovska and Andrea Hylen
Pain has a Purpose and a Story to Tell by Marie Ek Lipanovska
My name is Marie, and I am a mother of three children. My lifestyle is meditative, sensual, and graceful. I am devoted to God, and I find peace and joy in doing His will for me. Evangelization and meditation are my contributions to our beautiful world. Through books, live talks, and Youtube I pass forward my personal gifts of faith, hope, and love.
Free Your Mind: Live YOUR Normal Life by Andrea Hylen
Andrea Hylen believes in the power of a woman’s voice to usher in a new world. She is the founder of Heal My Voice, a Writing and Transition Coach and Orgasmic Meditation teacher. Andrea has discovered her unique gifts while parenting three daughters and learning to live life fully after the deaths of her brother, son and husband. She travels around the world speaking, teaching, leading workshops and collaborating with women and men. Her passion is authentically designing and living life and supporting others in doing the same.
To connect with Andrea and learn about current projects go to:
www.andreahylen.com and
Book release October 27 on Amazon.
Heal My Voice Sweden Facebook
Innovative Voices: True Stories by Women Awakening a New World on Facebook:
Woman of the Day, Oct 18: Lisbeth Jönsson
Please Join me in Celebrating The Women Of the 10th Heal My Voice Book: Innovative Voices: True Stories By Women Awakening A New World.
Meet Lisbeth Jönsson,
a singing pilgrim and a naturally wise woman. She leads pilgrimage, is a Qigong teacher, and a passionate Hildegard educator, following in the footsteps of Saint Hildegard of Bingen. Lisbeth is also a co-author of several Heal My Voice books, and a contributing author in Innovative Voices. Release October 27 on Amazon.Lisbeth Jönsson has spent almost two decades on stage, and backstage, as a theater producer. Now she has replaced producing shows to making natural products from her garden to use in her every day life. Lisbeth has a deep passion for nature, and a natural talent for how to use the gifts she grows in her garden, and finds in nature. On her Facebook page NaturligtVis and on Instagram she shares recipes, and tips.
Lisbeth is a pilgrim. Twice a month she works as an volunteer for the church in her hometown in Sweden, and leads pilgrimage in a beautiful park in downtown Malmoe. Her love for God and Nature come together in the study of Saint Hildegard. Lisbeth's passion for nature, plants and herbs inspired her to become a Hildegard educator/pedagouge. Hildegard of Bingen was a preacher, abbess, mystic, and author (1098 - 1179). Just like Lisbeth, she had a deep connection to God, nature and music.
How to make schampoo and conditioner from natural ingredients. How to make soup out what most people see as unwelcomed weed in the garden. Chestnuts in the washing machine to clean your clothes...Learn more from Lisbeth, and let us hope she can post some of her wisdom in English, and reach an even larger audience.
When Lisbeth studied to become a Hildegard educator, she went to Germany. In what is called Hildegard's chapel she recorded this version of Amazing Grace. Be touched!
On the big book release in 2014, of Heal My Voice Sweden's second anthology: Frigörande Röster, Lisbeth and the pianist/co-author Tina Hillerström sang together with all of the authors.
tisdag 17 oktober 2017
Conversations with Innovative Authors #2 Lisbeth Jönsson and Beth Terrence
Join us for a conversation with two of the contributing authors in the new book: Innovative Voices: True Stories by Women Awakening a New World.
Host: Andrea Hylen
Authors: Lisbeth Jönsson and Beth Terrence
Roots Growing Stronger by Lisbeth Jönsson
Lisbeth is a cert. Qigong teacher and a relaxpedagogue but most of all she is a pilgrim. She leads pilgrimage and sees that as a way of going deep within at the same time as it is a outer journey. She likes going on retreats and one of her dreams is running a retreatcenter of her own. Nature is a deep provider and nurterer for Lisbeth. As a Hildegard pedagogue she is deepening her knowledge in herbs and edible plants and gives lectures/talks about Hildegard von Bingens life and her great knowledge in holistic health. Lisbeth has worked as a theatreproducer in Malmoe, Sweden for 17 yrs. Lisbeth is also a singer and likes to sing psalms as well as music of the 60s.
A Bridge of Light Opened by Beth Terrence
Beth Shekinah Terrence is a Shaman, Holistic & Wellness Facilitator, Speaker, Writer and Recovery Coach. She has been working in the field of Holistic Healing and Transformation for over 20 years. Beth’s mission is to support others in living a heart-centered, balanced and joyful life through discovering the healer within. Her own life experiences and healing journey has served as a catalyst for the message she brings to the world — that at our core, we are all beings of love, light and peace — we just need to “remember”. Beth lives in Annapolis, Maryland with her loving partner, Mario and three kitties.
Discover the Healer Within - http://www.bethterrence.com
Book release October 27 on Amazon.
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Innovative Voices: True Stories by Women Awakening a New World on Facebook:
Woman of the Day, Oct 17: Teri Keating
Please Join me in Celebrating The Women Of the 10th Heal My Voice Book: Innovative Voices: True Stories By Women Awakening A New World.
Meet Teri Keating,
a Warrior of Light, model, actress, and an Enwaken Coach. She is also a co-author of Empowered Voices: True Stories by Awakened Women. Teri has been a spaceholder in this 10th book program Innovative Voices. Release on Amazon October 27.Behind the beautiful warm brown eyes you find a passionate woman. Teri Keating has been a classic model, and an actress since 1976. Now you find her at LA Models. She has a big warriors heart, and some extra love for a beautiful skin and a healthy soul. Her spiritual path started back in 1980 when she walked on fire with Tony Robbins, and she is dedicated to participate in "the Birthing of the New Earth".
Listen to the interview with Teri Keating about her story in Empowered Voices, and experience her Four Direction Meditation.ACTRESS:
In this persian music video you can see the feminine and sensual essence of Teri Keating.Jane Javani from Yasmine Asha on Vimeo.
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Innovative Voices: True Stories by Women Awakening a New World on Facebook:
måndag 16 oktober 2017
Conversations with Innovative Authors #1 Karen Porter and Ginny Robertson
Join us for a conversation about two of the stories in the new book: Innovative Voices: True Stories by Women Awakening a New World.
Co-hosts: Andrea Hylen and Kathleen Nelson Troyer
Authors: Karen Porter and Ginny Robertson
In the Process of Knowing by Karen Porter
Karen Porter has contributed eight stories to Heal My Voice and co-authored Conscious Choices, An Evolutionary Woman’s Guide to Life, Karen is an ordained Minister of Spiritual Peacemaking and leads healing meditations incorporating Tibetan Singing Bowls. In 1991, Karen was first parent to travel to USSR to adopt. Seeing the conditions in her sons’ orphanages, she began relief work and co-founded Children in Common
I Don't Have to Do it That Way Anymore by Ginny Robertson
Ginny Robertson: President of Ginny Robertson LLC, an organization that “Connects Women Around the World to their Gifts, Their Purpose and Each Other.” Monthly live and online gatherings of the On Purpose Woman Community, the print and online publication On Purpose Woman Magazine and annual On Purpose Woman Conference. For 3 years, she was the co-host of WomanTalk Live Radio on 680 WCBM in Baltimore. In 2012 she was named one of Maryland’s Top 100 Women by The Daily Record
Book release October 27 on Amazon.
Heal My Voice
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Woman of the Day, Oct 16: Carina Halvardsson
Please Join me in Celebrating The Women Of the 10th Heal My Voice Book: Innovative Voices: True Stories By Women Awakening A New World.
Meet Carina Halvardsson,
President of the board of the Swedish Reconciliation Group (Försoningsgruppen), a business owner, and a Qigong instructor. She is also a co-author of several Heal My Voice anthologies, and a contributing author of the upcoming book Innovative Voices.
Release date October 27 on Amazon.
Release date October 27 on Amazon.
Carina Halvardsson is an appreciated speaker. She loves to share her passion for both the healing work of the Reconciliation Group, and her deep relationship and knowledge about the human body and Eastern medicine. Carina is a survivor of cancer, and her life story is a dark medical history that also shows the bright and hopeful light of her positive heart and mind.
When I am writing this blog post, Carina is about to enter a plane to South Africa to participate in the reconciliation work with women in prison. A week ago she met the founders of Hope Prison Ministry when they visited Sweden. They invited her to come to South Africa a week later. She felt the calling into greater service of humanity, and she had a whole body Yes. During the passed week she has moved through all the obstacles that showed up. She cancelled all the appointments she had with clients and friends. She chose faith over doubt, and found out how loved she is by parents, siblings, friends, and clients. We all felt the same thing: "Go Girl! Go and be all you can be. Let others feel your peaceful, loving, and kind presence. Now it is your turn to show up with your healing light!"
In 2013 Carina travelled as a volunteer to Gambia with Vision for All, a Swedish organization that hands out glasses to people all over the world. Carina got her first glasses as a little girl, and knows the importance of being able to see. She also loves children and wanted babies of her own. But a doctor made a terrible mistake during surgery when Carina was a teenager. It prevented her from being able to give birth to her own children. She has transformed her own suffering into love and service for the world and all of God's children.
Carina's story in Innovative Voices starts with her work as a prison guard many decades ago. It ends with words about reconciliation and trust. She picked this day to be celebrated long before she knew about today's trip to South Africa. It is not a coincidence. It is God sending out a Woman who is willing to say YES! to Awakening a New World. Her whole life has prepared her for this new adventure of becoming what she was born to be.Are you ready to say yes when God calls you into being all you can be?
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Innovative Voices: True Stories by Women Awakening a New World on Facebook:
söndag 15 oktober 2017
Woman of the Day, Oct 15: Jeannie Dougherty
Please Join me in Celebrating The Authors and the Spaceholders Of the 10th Heal My Voice Book: Innovative Voices: True Stories By Women Awakening A New World.
Meet Jeannie Dougherty,
an expert in relationships and a visionary leader in the field of relationship coaching and consulting. Jeannie is also a co-author of a couple of Heal My Voice anthologies. On October 27 Innovated Voices will be available on Amazon."My innovative voice happened because I was able to calibrate my mind to my heart and the results are amazing. I no longer struggle with guilt, old tapes of good girls stay quiet and don’t raise their voices, or feel powerless like nothing is going to change.
Innovation is often seen as a new way to solve a problem that is remarkable and simple. Yes! I quite agree my innovative voice knows what it wants to say and how to say it! I no longer struggle with how I can make everyone like me when I have unpopular news? How can I defend myself when someone tries to gaslight me or bully me?" - Jeannie
Read the full blogpost: https://jeanniedougherty.com/your-innovative-voice/
Have Jeannie in your mobile phone.
Listen to Jeannie sharing her knowledge about relationships.
https://jeanniedougherty.comMessages From the Heart